Stronger, healthier posture (that lasts!) for the stressed professional in only 15 minutes a day.

Reverse unhealthy posture and the stressed-out states that contribute to it in just 15 minutes a day. Within 30 days, you'll apply the proven factors and movements to restore a resilient body and sustain it for life 😌.

$79 $49 one-time payment

Ohh! Tell Me More

BODY CHECK #1: How's your posture right now?

For many of us, we spend most days stressed and slouched in front of a screen.

At worst, our body hurts. At best, we're terribly uncomfortable in our skin. Many have found trying to "sit up straight" all day to combat the aches and exhaustion doesn't work (especially when you're overwhelmed and glued to a screen).

To make matters more complicated, there are a lot of misconceptions on what healthy posture actually is. Is it sitting up straight all the time? Shoulders pinned back? Sitting on a yoga ball? What does good posture look like in standing, or even walking? Do I not even know how to walk properly?! 😰

And, what about if we're also stressed out and burned out? Wouldn't that also impact the way our body moves and feels? (More on this in a minute....)

The good news is because you're (likely) a human, even small levels of input (like our 15 minute Spine Rewind sequences we'll provide you,) are enough to take you from a stressed, slouched, stiff state to a relaxed, functional, optimal state 😌.

Spine Rewind is a proven 30-day process to restore healthy, strong posture for the stressed professional who wants to feel great in their body with minimal time.

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BODY CHECK #2: Does your body "think" it's being chased by a tiger?

If you're feeling stressed out and burned out, chances are your body's default mode of operation is a state of fight or flight.

When you experience stress or a potential threat, your autonomic nervous system activates your “fight or flight” state (or your “sympathetic” branch) to do the pretty important task of keeping you alive. Your body, being as neat as it is, will automatically prepare you to fight or flee for protection through a whole cascade of physiological and physical changes.

If we never “escape” from our stress and it becomes chronic, our body goes, “K, I’ll keep doing my job by pumping your body full of stress hormones and signaling the alarms until we’re safe.”

Living in a stressed-out state can become our new chronic “normal”, causing a cascade of health problems. Over time, our body will quite literally change shape and posture to reflect our internal state of stress.

"Stiffness, pain, and immobility are protective outputs because of perceived threat."

BODY CHECK #3: Are you stuck in “protective postures”?

Someone is winding up to punch you in the gut. What does your body reflexively do?

It would stiffen and guard. Your belly would get tight, your breathing might get shallow or even pause, and you would round forward to protect your precious organs.

We’re naturally wired to shift into protective postures under stress or threat. We often assume some version of the “fetal position” under threat, tucking ourselves inward. Also, remember a “threat” doesn’t necessarily have to be physical. Your body can also experience stress from negative thoughts, overwhelming workloads, or long stretches of feeling defeated in life. Protective postures are adaptive. Our body adapts automatically and unconsciously to avoid different types of pain, stress, or injury (even when it’s ultimately not helpful in the long-term).

While some protective postures can be life-saving, they can also be devastatingly unhelpful when we exist in them perpetually because the “fight or flight” alarms aren’t being turned off.

Why Good Posture Is Not (Always) Sitting Up Straight

If our body thinks it’s always running away from a tiger (since predators were the OG in human stressors), forcing yourself to sit up straight all day long can introduce even more tension to an already tense and fatigued body.

Plus, remembering to sit up straight all day long is exhausting (and just doesn’t work).

The good news is, healthy posture is much more than sitting up straight. Healthy posture is dynamic and supportive, and the natural result of a body that is physiologically "safe", mobile, and strong.

"Posture is a natural reflex, not a trained position. The best way to improve your posture is moving the way you were meant to move."

BODY CHECK #4: Can you move it like a baby?

So, how do we get the body to turn off the alarm bells and get back to it’s naturally healthy state so you can feel great again?

We Spine Rewind our way back to it. We give your body and brain a little “reset” to when you were first learning how to adjust your posture in the world as a little baby. Stay with me…

Assuming you had healthy physical development as an infant, you started your movement journey on the floor with all sorts of rolling, crawling, and reaching. You got on your tummy and learned how to do neck things. Meanwhile, your shoulders were learning how to do shoulder things. And, your hips were learning how to do hip things. Your hands, and toes, and all the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons were developing from your automatic, organic movements. Your brain was soaking all this up! While you were rolling and burping and doing all the baby things, your brain was rapidly creating a mental “map” of your body. It was discovering how far away this hand was from that foot, and if I sit this way then this happens, or if I move that way, this happens. This is also referred to as your “kinesthetic awareness”.

When stress, trauma, poor movement habits, or inactivity happens, things can get weird. We can get out of sync or disconnected from our body (until of course, it hurts or aches). Our body can adopt those “protective postures” and forgo the natural, rhythmic way of moving and posturing that we originally mapped in our brains as babies.

Now, we’re not going to have you just do like a baby and roll around randomly. But, we are going to take you through a series of key movement patterns to restore that natural synergy. We’ll be working with your brain (so we can restore that mental “map” of your body), your body (so we can help your joints and tissues function the way biology intended), and your nervous system (to bring you out of those stressed-out states).

Ready to turn back the clocks and rewind your body back to healthy, natural postures?

"A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind."

The Nuts and Bolts of Spine Rewind

It's my pleasure to help you feel good in your body. As a strength and rehab professional of 10+ years, that’s what I do! Let's walk through how to achieve less tension, less stress, and less pain in only 15 minutes a day with a series of gentle Spine Rewind sequences for 30 days.

Weekly 15-Min “Spine Rewind” Sequences

Follow-along movement sequences to do anywhere, anytime to restore healthy, strong posture from your toes to your neck. Each week will “stack” onto the next to ensure safe progression. When we get the whole body to move and function the way biology intended through specific exercises, healthy posture comes naturally and effortlessly. Think of these sequences like giving yourself a lovely, whole body chiropractic adjustment every time.

Weekly Nervous System “Reset” Practices

Trying to restore healthy posture without relieving your body of the stress that’s causing it to tighten and compress is like pushing a boulder uphill. Each week, you’ll have a new practice to “reset” the fight, flight, or freeze states that cause excess inflammation, tension and immobility by working directly with your vagus nerve and autonomic nervous system. This is a powerful and critical component that most posture programs leave out.

Bonus 22-Min Joint Restoration Sequence

If your joints are extra sticky, sore, or arthritic, feel free to tack this short follow-along sequence to your day. This fluid sequence will target your neck, wrists, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, and ankles to improve range of motion, decrease stiffness, and relieve pain.

Bonus 2-Min Body Wake-Up Sequence

Most of us are disconnected from our body, except when we hurt or feel crappy. With this guided practice, we’ll wake up the connection between your mind and body, reduce stagnant inflammatory build-up in the tissues, and quickly improve mobility. Clients have reported this stimulating sequence has felt “invigorating”, or like, “finishing a really good shower.”

Sitting, Standing and Walking Posture Play

We’ll play with a few different concepts and practices to discover your body’s best posture when it comes to sitting, standing, and walking (yes, every body can require a little something different!) This self-exploration practice can give immediate relief and allow you to effortlessly walk, sit and stand for longer periods of time (seriously!)

Accountability and Support

While this is a self-paced program, we’ll be popping up in your inbox every few days to see how you’re making out! Have questions? Feel free to just respond to the emails and we’ll see how we can help.

Let's get you feeling gooooood:

Hop into Spine Rewind for $49

Meet Your Instructor

Jessica Mather, CPT, LPTA, SFG, FRCms, FMS, is an internationally-recognized strength and rehab professional who helps others live in their bodies with less limitation, pain, fear or insecurity. With 12 years of experience supporting thousands of individuals from 9 to over 99, she has repeatedly witnessed the body's incredible ability to adapt, strengthen and heal regardless of circumstance. Jess has spent the last 7 years in the digital space helping clients across over a dozen countries through private coaching, courses and group programs. In addition, Jess is a board-accredited educational provider in multiple states to teach her work to other physical and occupational therapists on treating patients with complex chronic pain and those stuck with trauma, stress, and anxiety.

The concept of Spine Rewind was initiated from a strong desire to help thousands more feel better in their body without the overwhelm or intimidation. We believe every body gets to feel good regardless of circumstance, health condition, trauma, or injury.

Lovely past clients having a few words:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Based On Facts & Endorsed by Doctors

Spine Rewind is a compilation of love from thousands of real-world clinical hours put in, years of college education, dozens of incredible mentors, countless hours of evidence-based continuing education, and a primary purpose to help more people feel better in their bodies.

"Jess is very passionate and always curious, someone I consider to have a vast array of knowledge about the topic at hand. She has made it her life's work to learn from the very best in their proven discipline. She is the real deal and will do nothing but elevate the field."


“I’ve known Jess for several years now and her knowledge, expertise, and coaching skills have only gotten better. She’s someone I would trust to send my therapy patients to because it’s clear she cares about the quality of her work and consistently delivers results to her clients. A solid person to have on your team!”


Spine Rewind sounds pretty lovely. Am I a good candidate?

Truth be told, this 30-day program is for anybody looking to reverse a slouched, stressed-out body and feel better in minimal time. But more specifically, here are our three main candidates:

The Busy, Stressed Professional Who Spends Way Too Much Time In Front of A Screen

As they say, sitting is the new smoking. Taking quick breaks for a Spine Rewind sequence helps reverse slouched shoulders, unhealthy forward head position, and bounded-up hips so you won’t feel like the Tin Man groaning and straining as you get up from your seat. Plus, these practices will actively be working on managing your stress so you can leave your workday with less tension and fatigue.

The Tired, Inactive Individual With Chronic Pain or History of Trauma

When pain or trauma has been a major feature in our life, it’s normal for the body to respond by caving in on itself and going into a protective position. Our head and shoulders collapse forward, our hips become tight and restricted, and we carry excess tension in all the wrong places. Time to unwind and build back the strength and resilience needed to pull us upright.

The Professional Who Spends Most Days Hunched Over Their Work or Clients

We’re talking dentists, dental hygienists, hair stylists, tattoo artists, dog groomers, or cashiers. We've even seen scientists and artists benefit from this work after decades of looking down through a microscope or canvas. We’ll be reversing the typical forward head posture, rounded shoulders, and caved upper back that can contribute to overuse injuries, excessive fatigue, and achy joints and muscles.

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"Why is the body protecting itself?"

Got questions? We've got answers.

I don’t know if I'll stick with it. Is it easy to follow?

Why are some things easy for us to stick to, while other things feel hard as hell to get any traction with? One reason is that we stick to the things that we feel we're good at. Competency is motivating. With this series, we build your competence week by week, so it never feels overwhelming and confusing and you never feel stupid. Second, jumping into this program is easy peasy on any device. No app to download, no complicated account to setup. Just open this program on any internet browser and off we go! And lastly, our slogan is "movement gets to feel good." And, we like to do things that feel good. We stick to things that feel good! So, instead of these exercises making you feel sore or over-worked, it'll feel like a nice, big "ahh" every time you're finished!

I’m not an “exercise person” and/or haven’t exercised in awhile. Will this be easy for me to follow?

Absolutely! Remember, overwhelm is our nemesis here, so we won’t be doing a ton of complicated exercises. Simplicity, sustainability, and effectiveness is what we’re after.

I don’t have much time.

No biggie, we just need 15 minutes a day once a day! While you’ll get better results if you do these movements daily (daily movement is innately lovely for humans), it’s okay to do them every other day.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to do the movements.

No worries, we have lots of variations and modifications available to you. If you can get up and down off the floor (even if you require assistance to do so,) and cleared by a doctor to exercise, we’re in good shape.

How is this different from other posture courses/videos/products?

We introduce the unique concept that posture doesn’t only boil down to how you hold your body. Rather, how do your stress levels (or more specifically, the state of your nervous system), also impact how your body is moving and posturing? How do your thoughts and beliefs about your body, yourself, or your life also impact how your body is feeling and functioning?

In addition, Spine Rewind is a sequential program. It's not a bunch of random exercises that might make you feel like you're doing something productive, but don't actually give lasting results. Furthermore, while the exercises are important (I call them "movement medicine"), it's equally important to pay attention to how they're being performed. This requires excellent coaching, proper pacing, and proper progression. This is all inside!

What if I need extra assistance?

We’ll have a place for troubleshooting if you’re feeling weird in any area. Furthermore, you’re welcome to contact our team to consult about private coaching work.

What if I miss a day or can’t keep with it the whole 30 days?

While it’s recommended to keep some level of consistency, you’ll have forever access to your video series to hop in at a later date. All content is recorded and easily accessible with just a single password.

I’ve tried different online exercise programs and I got hurt. How do I know I won’t with this one?

We have a unique approach to coaching our movements that involve slow, gradual, exploratory movement play. We have a principle that states, “your body knows best.” We help you learn what your own individual limits are, instead of trying to push past your body’s capacity and getting hurt or injured.

I don’t have much space to exercise. Can I still do this?

As long as you have the space of a yoga mat, we’ll be good to go! 

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of Spine Rewind, and the fact that you could essentially consume all of the content within just a few hours, we do not offer folks refunds.

However, we can tell you with certainty that if you stick with Spine Rewind and try the variations that work for your body then you'll have less aches and pains, naturally breathe better, move and live with healthier posture naturally, and will be wanting to refer your loved ones who were right where you are now (we've seen it!)

Here's how this works:

Step 1: Once you sign-up, you’ll get instant access with your login via email to open on any device (no messy app to install!)

Step 2: Get started immediately! We suggest doing a sequence everyday, but every other day can still be effective. Some is better than none! Depending on your needs, you can also complete the bonus videos alongside the main Spine Rewind sequences.

Step 3: Start getting results! You should notice a difference within the first week. We'll be looking forward to hearing about how much better your body feels at the end of 30 days!

Here's a recap of everything you'll get in Spine Rewind:

Weekly 15-Min “Spine Rewind” Sequences

Follow-along movement sequences to do anywhere, anytime to restore healthy, strong posture from your toes to your neck. Each week will “stack” onto the next to ensure safe progression. When we get the whole body to move and function the way biology intended through specific exercises, healthy posture comes naturally and effortlessly. Think of these sequences like giving yourself a lovely, whole body chiropractic adjustment every time.

Weekly Nervous System “Reset” Practices

Trying to restore healthy posture without relieving your body of the stress that’s causing it to tighten and compress is like pushing a boulder uphill. Each week, you’ll have a new practice to “reset” the fight, flight, or freeze states that cause excess inflammation, tension and immobility by working directly with your vagus nerve and autonomic nervous system. This is a powerful and critical component that most posture programs leave out.

Bonus 22-Min Joint Restoration Sequence

If your joints are extra sticky, sore, or arthritic, feel free to tack this short follow-along sequence to your day. This fluid sequence will target your neck, wrists, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, and ankles to improve range of motion, decrease stiffness, and relieve pain.

Bonus 2-Min Body Wake-Up Sequence

Most of us are disconnected from our body, except when we hurt or feel crappy. With this guided practice, we’ll wake up the connection between your mind and body, reduce stagnant inflammatory build-up in the tissues, and quickly improve mobility. Clients have reported this stimulating sequence has felt “invigorating”, or like, “finishing a really good shower.”

Sitting, Standing and Walking Posture Play

We’ll play with a few different concepts and practices to discover your body’s best posture when it comes to sitting, standing, and walking (yes, every body can require a little something different!) This self-exploration practice can give immediate relief and allow you to effortlessly walk, sit and stand for longer periods of time (seriously!)

Accountability and Support

While this is a self-paced program, we’ll be popping up in your inbox every few days to see how you’re making out! Have questions? Feel free to just respond to the emails and we’ll see how we can help.

We'll see you soon!