R E B U I L D I N G B O D Y 

The proven step-by-step blueprint to build a strong and resilient body despite your chronic condition.


A self-paced, easy to follow movement course to gently build strength and mobility without provoking symptoms in those with chronic conditions, physical limitations, a history of trauma, or sensitive bodies.

Did you know your body wants to protect you?

Your body has one primary job: to keep you safe and alive.  

When your body senses threat, it "speaks" in sensations and symptoms to get your attention and inspire change. This is a beautiful protective response, until we get stuck in a state of threat long after the stimulus has left. This is referred to as a protective pain pattern.

When our body constantly perceives we're in danger, nearly anything can trigger pain or other undesirable symptoms. Fortunately, we can repattern these stubborn responses by shifting our body from a pattern of pain and protection to a pattern of relief and safety.

We repattern your body back to safety by:

  •  Moving at the right pace (not too slow, not too fast) so we can gradually expand your capacity to do more without the "alarm bells" of pain or symptoms.
  •  Using sequential key movement patterns that gently restore your body back to a healthy and natural way of breathing and moving.
  • Adding "therapeutic strength" movements to reinforce and build upon your new way of breathing, moving and being in your body.

When we nail these elements, this new state of safety grants us permission to move more, build strength, and increase resiliency despite our condition(s).

Before we jump in, this course is not for everyone...

This course is NOT for you if: 

  •  You can't get up or down off the ground safely. Using assistance is okay, but we need you to be able to navigate the floor.
  •  You have an expectation that this will "cure" all your pain and that this course is a "treatment". You can expect greater pain relief, more strength, and the ability to do so much more without flaring, but we are not diagnosing or treating pain in this course.
  •  You are looking for a quick fix. Remember, your body sets the pace of this program! We recommend a minimum of 6 weeks to go through the material.
  •  You are not cleared by a physician to participate in exercise. Please seek approval first.

All clear? Let's move on!

It's your time to move freely again.

Upon completion of this course, you can expect to have the strength, mobility and confidence to safely get into or back into a movement practice of your choice (such as kettlebell training, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, hiking, or more) without fearing pain, a relapse, or increase in symptoms.

Your Course Goodies:

6-Week Movement Practice

A proven and easy-to-follow blueprint to expand your ability to do more advanced movements without provoking symptoms.

Flexible Training Options

To honor the pace of your body, we don't put hard parameters around reps, sets, or frequency. Instead, we recommended a specified range of time per week.

Easy-to-Follow Structure

We made this course extraordinarily user-friendly so you can focus on going through the course as seamlessly as possible.

In-Depth Coaching Videos

Thorough, follow-along coaching videos to practice the key movement patterns to transform the way you move and how you think about movement.

4 Difficulty Levels

Each section comes with 4 different levels of difficulty for dozens of unique ways to complete this course depending on your body's needs.

Unlimited Access

 Unlimited, forever access to complete as many rounds as you want of this course at the speed that works for you.

Body Awareness Practices

A series of practices to help you master the unique pace of your body to avoid collapsing into a flare, pain or fatigue.

Bonus Stability/Mobility Drills

These complimentary drills will accelerate your progress, fill in missing gaps and challenge you in novel ways.

Personalized Support

Questions? Concerns? You have access to reach out for support during your journey, including the option to add private coaching if desired.

Created from over 12 years of love.

This work comes from over a decade of personal and professional experience, over half a dozen college degrees and certifications, and thousands of hours working with hundreds of people in the realm of bodies and movement.  

What's presented and coached in this course is what my private clients are taught from day one to get them get strong and mobile without getting a flare, pain, or relapse. Through this work, clients have avoided surgery, reduced or eliminated physical therapy, massage or chiropractic visits, stopped spending money on over-hyped products for pain relief, and watched their body do things they never thought it’d be able to do, symptom-free. 

Meet your strength and rehab specialist:

Jess Mather, CPT, LPTA, SFG, FRCms, FMS is an internationally-known strength and rehab professional and founder of Rehabited, a somatic-based organization which helps restore people's ability to express their bodies in whatever way they choose without limitation, fear or insecurity. With nearly 13 years of experience supporting hundreds of individuals with movement, she has repeatedly witnessed the body's incredible ability to adapt, strengthen and heal regardless of circumstance.

Client Love:

"As someone with an eighteen year childhood abuse history, supporting my body through thirteen years of chronic illness and progressing mobility limitations requires a distinctly trauma-informed approach. Despite my proximity to privilege, I have been exposed to medical traumas that have dismissed my lived experiences and left stranded without a proper support system. Needless to say, I have been taught time and time again that I needed to intimately discern who I work with, and who I trust with my story, in order to honor all parts of my experience. The key factor being to partner with practitioners who respect my own autonomous authority in seeking accessible-to-me wellness without the use of shame. Jess' approach to body work is unlike any other therapeutic practitioner I have worked with. Looking beyond the surface of your symptoms and pain, Jess seeks to honor every part of your experience in order invite compassionate-curiosity rather than guilted-force into the process of her work. Day-by-day, session-by-session, we explored how to slowly invite my exhausted body to discover its connection to support even when faced with unsupportive environments and flares. Needless to say, partnering with Jess has undeniably reshaped how I approach my healing, and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life. I cannot recommend her work enough.” -Skyler Mechelle Weinberg, Trauma-Informed Academic and Writer

Case Study #1: Client in her late 40’s, suffered for over 7 years after a traumatic car accident that caused severe neck pain and a subsequent limitation in her abilities. Client had seen acupuncturists, chiropractors, and doctors without consistent or predictable results. Through specific movement-based interventions, she now can lift weights and exercise without symptoms and doesn't live with chronic pain anymore.

Case Study #2: Client in her late 50's, suffered from debilitating sciatica flares that would leave her crippled in pain and unable to move when they would hit her. Client went from 10/10 intensity to almost virtually never getting flares anymore, while getting significantly stronger and more mobile. Client dropped over 25 pounds, did movements she never thought her body could do, and learned exactly what to do to stop a flare from coming back.

Case Study #3: Client in her early 60’s, had severe bilateral knee pain that limited her ability to stand from a chair, run errands safely, and navigate stairs. Was teetering on the decision to get knee surgery to resolve pain and immobility. Through coaching, client bypassed surgery and was able to squat, walk, exercise, and run errands safely without symptoms while incrementally building impressive endurance, stamina, strength and balance.

Case Study #4: Client in his mid-40’s, had a history of traumatic and life-threatening medical complications that left him with residual physical impacts including partial paralysis, muscle removal, and joint restrictions. Through coaching, client was able to gain a significant amount of stability, mobility and strength that allowed him to perform a variety of movements he previously wasn't able to complete due to his limitations. Client safely advanced into weight lifting including squats, push-ups and deadlifts. 

Case Study #5: Client in his late 30's, history of physical injury and trauma from many years in the military under stressful conditions with limited time to repair and recover. Client attempted physical therapy treatment for a total of 7 different rounds with no significant change. Through coaching, client was able to reduce his chronic pain to get back into performing sets of pull-ups, deadlifts, presses, and other weight lifting activities he enjoyed without provoking symptoms or pain anymore.

Case Study #6: Man in his late 30’s, suffered with shoulder pain due to a long history of intense athletic demands. Was verging on getting an invasive surgery in order to hopefully relieve pain after investing a significant amount of time and money with who he stated were "the best therapists in Denver." With skilled coaching, shoulder pain resolved completely with an increase in mobility, stability, and strength. Client went on to be able to press and push heavy loads without symptoms or flares.

You're ready for this if:

 You want to get back into movement and exercise without constantly regressing because of your condition.

 You are willing to be the student of your body and learn how to move differently.

 You want to move again without fearing pain, a flare, or a relapse.

 You’re tired of being physically limited by your condition and want to feel like yourself again.

 You’re ready to finally feel strong, resilient and capable in your body again.

We call this p h y s i c a l f r e e d o m .

Got questions?

I'm already pretty active, but have chronic/buggy stuff that limit me and sometimes flare up. Is this for me?

🅰️ Absolutely. The techniques and movements we practice carry over beautifully to more advanced movements, and can help "fill in the gaps" around stability, mobility and "motor control" or body control.

What exactly do I get with the course? How does this work?

🅰️ As soon as you enroll, you’ll get immediate, unlimited access to your password-protected course. Upon entry, you’ll be prompted to watch 3 intro videos that’ll take you less than 10 minutes. This “sets” the stage for the rest of the material. When you get in, you’ll start with week 1. You’ll have a 20-40 minute follow-along coaching video that will review the primary movement of the week, including all 4 levels or variations of that particular movement. After completing this first coaching video, you’ll know exactly what level to start at. Furthermore, these coaching videos will help you know exactly how to move at the pace of your body, how to manage symptoms if they arise in real-time, and how to execute these movements both “internally” and “externally” that make a massive difference in how they’ll feel for you.

For reference, you’ll have all four levels of the movement available via a quick video for a simple review at any point.

Next up, you’ll have a suggested amount of time to work on your drills. Then, practice, practice, practice! As a bonus, you’ll be given 3 more powerful movements to help fill in any gaps and round out your program. If you get stuck, there’s an easy-to-follow troubleshooting guide, in addition to a “body checklist” to ensure everything is working as it should be. For additional support, you’re always welcome to schedule a private 1-1 coaching session where we can ensure you’re safely and continually progressing.

If you can maintain level 2 out of 4 for a full week, you can pass go! If you’re still working on mastering it, feel free to stay at a level as long as you need to. With unlimited access, there’s no need to rush. Body knows best!

Upon completion, you’ll be planking, deadlifting and squatting like an absolute pro. Feel free to make your way through the course until you’re doing the max recommended time every week at a level 4. That’s resiliency!

I'm currently seeing a physical therapist/chiro/massage therapist/etc. Can I still do this?

🅰️ I frequently work alongside other practitioners, but I always suggest asking your professional first and sending them my way so we can discuss if this is the right time.

What results can I expect?

🅰️ Upon completion of this course, you can expect to have the strength, mobility and confidence to safely get into or back into a movement practice of your choice (such as kettlebell training, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, hiking, or more) without fearing pain, a relapse, or increase in symptoms.

To get a little more specific, this training will build full body stability, mobility, and flexibility in your core, shoulders, hips, knees, feet, spine, hips, elbows and wrists. You can think of this training as "bullet-proofing" your body, laying down a solid foundation to carry into all your other physical activities (from walking to acrobatics). You'll improve your body awareness, your grace, balance, and posture. Your joints and soft tissues will be more resilient, and your body will be able to handle more stress or stimuli without collapsing into a flare.

How long will it take for me to see results?

🅰️ Typically, you’ll be able to feel a difference in your strength and how you’re moving within the first 2 weeks, with the most significant change at the 6 week mark provided you’re following the course on a week-by-week timeline. If you need to take longer on a particular section this will obviously stretch it out a bit, but you should be seeing smaller progress every few days. Your body can adapt quickly!

I have an erratic schedule. Is this for me?

🅰️ As long as you're willing to put in 10-30 minutes a few days a week, absolutely. There are no strict parameters around days per week, sets or reps. Rather, we prioritize just getting in concentrated time within each section and practicing when able throughout the day.

I have arthritis/back pain/shoulder pain/hip pain/etc, will this work for me?

🅰️ If you're cleared for movement by your physician, this would be a great place for you to start your movement practice. If you have any concern of whether your condition(s) are appropriate for this course, feel free to reach out.

I have fibromyalgia/lupus/MS/hashimotos/etc, will this work for me?

🅰️ This course especially caters to the sensitivities present when living with an autoimmune disease. We follow the principle of "your body, your rules" so you'll have lifetime access to this course to honor the unique pace of your body. If you're still unsure, please ask your physician and send us a message.

Do I get any live coaching?

🅰️ This course is "DIY", so no live coaching, but each section will have an in-depth, follow-along video to practice each "signature" movement "together". You are welcome to add on private coaching sessions for an additional fee if desired.

Do I need any equipment?

🅰️ Just your mind and body!

What if I can't do the movements?

🅰️ Each section starts at a level 1, which at least require you to be able to get down on the floor and lay on your back. From there, you will work up your capacity to doing more and more of the movements. Everything is sequential!

I'm pretty strong and I'm worried this course will be too easy. What do you think?

🅰️ You get what you put into it! I still practice these movements after nearly a decade because they still work, and there are still ways to make them more effective. This course leans heavily on body awareness, movement control, coordination, stability and mobility more than overall strength (although that will naturally increase as well).

Do you offer refunds or a money-back guarantee?

🅰️ Unfortunately, due to the nature of the course, we do not offer refunds if you do not participate in the course. If you’re struggling to make progress, stay accountable or have questions, we are more than happy to assist!

Do I get instant access?

🅰️ Yes! You'll get immediate access to the full course upon purchase, whether you select a payment plan or paying in full.

Still have questions, or unsure if Rebuilding Body is right for you? Let us know and we'll return your message within 24hrs:

Send us a message


Option 1: $175 x 2 Payments

> Easy-to-follow 6-week strength and mobility movement practice

> Four difficulty levels for dozens of variations

> Bonus body awareness techniques to ensure symptom-free movement

> 18 powerful full body stability + mobility drills

> Unlimited, instant, and lifetime access

> In-depth, follow-along movement coaching videos 

> Flexible training options

> Email support for troubleshooting and personalized direction

Get instant access!

Option 2: $350 x 1 Payment

> Easy-to-follow 6-week strength and mobility movement practice

> Four difficulty levels for dozens of variations

> Bonus body awareness techniques to ensure symptom-free movement

> 18 powerful full body stability + mobility drills

> Unlimited, instant, and lifetime access

> In-depth, follow-along movement coaching videos 

> Flexible training options

> Email support for troubleshooting and personalized direction

Disclaimer: The information offered in this course is for educational purposes only; the reader should be forewarned that there is an inherent risk assumed by the participant with any form of exercise or physical activity. With that in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs should check with and obtain clearance from their physician prior to beginning such activities. It is imperative that anyone participating in these activities understands that such training initiatives may be dangerous if performed incorrectly; additionally, they may not be appropriate for everyone. The author assumes no liability for injury.