We help those with chronic pain, stress or trauma build a strong, healthy body without symptoms holding them back anymore.

  Take a look at how we do that >

Giving bodies that feel broken the gift of strength.

We serve those who are physically limited from pain, stress, trauma, neglect, over-use, or weight. We help people restore their strength and resilience so they can move, live, and be in their bodies with more relief, joy, and freedom.

We have experience working with:

Autoimmune Disease ● Chronic Pain ● Chronic Stress ● Past Injuries ● PTSD ● Excess Weight ● Immobility ● Hormonal Dysregulation ● Chronic Fatigue ● Muscle or Joint Stiffness Inflammatory Conditions Post or Pre-OperativeGenetic Conditions

Body hurts?

Try our clients' favorite practice to feel better in 5 minutes or less.

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Month-to-Month Private Work

An opportunity for customized attention to relieve symptoms and rebuild strength without provoking symptoms. Ideal for those with complex medical histories or complex trauma. Students who enter this work should expect pain relief in as little as two sessions or two weeks.

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14-Week Rebuilding Body Course

A comprehensive private and group program for those who want to relieve chronic pain at the root and build a strong, fit body without flaring. We guarantee that all students will experience a significant decrease in pain and successfully make it through our strength and mobility program pain-free so they can live life with more freedom, joy and relief.

30-Day ANS Restoration Course

An exploration of your unique autonomic nervous system to bring your body into the physiological states of safety that promote healing and resiliency. For 30 days, participants receive a series of somatic, or body-based, practices to naturally shift out of the protective states of fight, flight or freeze that can negatively influence the way we see, move, and feel in our world.

Jess Mather, Cpt, Lpta, Sfg, FRCms, Fms,

is an internationally-recognized strength and rehab professional who helps others be in their bodies with less limitation, pain, fear or insecurity. With over 13 years of experience supporting thousands of individuals from 9 to over 99, she has repeatedly witnessed the body's incredible ability to adapt, strengthen and heal regardless of circumstance. Jess has spent the last 8 years in her telehealth practice helping clients across over a dozen countries through private coaching, courses and group programs.

In addition, Jess is a board-accredited educational provider to teach other physical and occupational therapists how to effectively treat patients with complex chronic pain, trauma, and stress. She is the founder and lead instructor with the Chronic Pain & Trauma Curriculum.

I was very lucky to go down this path because it's making me feel better than anything else I've tried in the past year... The understanding you showed me with how I felt was just incredible and gave me hope of reaching my goals of building back the trust I had in my body. Your support in between the meets was also incredible. I might have quit and not find the answers that I found had you not been so understanding and supportive. Thank you."

- private client, husband, father of 4

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See how we can transform the way you feel, look, and move in your body.

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